Brian is named after a friend of ours who was tragically killed in 2004, about a month after we were married. Christopher actually knew him in high school and I knew him from church and then we realized we both knew him and we had been friends since High School. Our Brian's middle name is Christopher, after his Daddy.

Me and Brian's namesake
Brian is a five year old boy and that's really all I can say about that, LOL! He's super smart, super physical, always moving and has the attention span of maybe a fly now, instead of a knat. I love that he's 1000% boy ALL THE TIME!! He's always taking things apart, putting them back together, or wanting to. First it was an obsession with cars, and now we've moved on to bigger things like the physics of fire and how does the air conditioning work. He always is saying something funny and his baby book is just chaulk full of funny things. And now that he's five I've filled out the last of his baby book and I'm going to have to get another book where we just write down the funny things that he is saying.
And now as we are ready to add number 3 to our brood I feel myself getting sentimental about the fact that he was once in tummy. Where does time go? I feel like I've been savoring every moment but its just flying by so fast!
What moments have been flying by so fast for you? What are you needing to savor more in life?

Brian's "BIRTH" day
Brian - August 2011