Well here we are. Its February and when was the last time I posted? Before I had Phillip?! Wow! Its been a whirlwind since then. I had the little man, then we were beginning to organize our huge move to Virginia, throw in a couple holidays and I had gall bladder surgery. I know, how many things can happen in just a few short months. Now we are here in Virginia and life is finally starting to settle down. We aren't 100% moved in yet. The rest of everything should be moved into the house this weekend. Once that happens I think life will finally settle down into normalcy. Christopher is loving his job and that couldn't make me happier. The kids have so much room and we have a great backyard. The neighborhood is wonderful and I am close to my mom's family and several friends. Its really the best way to pick up and move your family across the US from your family and friends, where you grew up, fell in love, got married, had your children and pretty much everything else of significance. But I couldn't be happier. I haven't felt a huge sadness yet. I don't know if I will or if that's good or bad. I think we've just been waiting for this for so many years that I was 100% ready for it to happen. We are making our lists of places we want to see, and picking out historical churches to visit, family to see, friends to meet. Its crazy, I know, but there it is. I have plans for here too. I want to get Phillip's birth story posted, I'll be writing about the sites we'll see, the house and my decorating fun. Pictures and all sorts of things you won't see anywhere else. This is just a private place for friends and family to see our life and stay really updated on everything, more than just a status update. Here's a little peek. I've been doing a Photo-a-Day challenge, which has been great. Christopher surprised me with an IPhone for Christmas (we weren't supposed to do gifts, and I totally cried, lame!) and I found an app through some blogging ladies and we are all doing a Photo challenge. I love it. Capturing the little things you might not capture otherwise :)