Hi everyone! I'm sure you probably heard on the news that the Space Shuttle Discovery was flying around DC. It has been retired and has come to rest at the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum. It was quite exciting and my little aspiring Astronaut had to be a part of this once in a lifetime experience. I took the kids out to the airport to see the Space Airplane and the Shuttle on top. When it registered to Brian what he was looking at he just got so excited! It was so amazing to be able to give this experience to my children. It is really more than I can adequately say in words.
so excited, so we decided to call Nannie!!
While I was trolling some local mom blogs and news for events in the area I heard about Space Day at the Museum. I just couldn't get it together for the opening ceremonies so when I heard about Space Day I thought, well, if I go to sleep, get the double stroller out I should be able to handle it by myself. So we went to space day and it was amazing. The absolute highlight of our day was meeting an astronaut who actually flew on Discovery. We met Stephen Bowen, a Capt in the US Navy. He is the first Submarine Officer chosen by NASA as a mission specialist and has worked with Endeavor, Atlantis and Discovery. It was pretty cool. Brian has his very own Space Shuttle with him, and Mr. Bowen took it and quite adorably explained the part they always get wrong on these. Being a dad himself he knew just how to engage my son and Brian was just thrilled beyond belief.
look at my silly kids!
checking out a real astronaut's suit and trying on a glove
did this all on their own and its way too adorable!
My very very happy son
Talking with Captain Bowen about the toy shuttle vs. the real ones
sitting in a Cesna
Memorial outside with dedications
Caught an awesome picture!
Anyway, like I said this was such an amazing experience for my kids. I think Brian will remember it, Ami might not when she's older, but I have these pictures for them to see. Every day I can't believe that we are here. Its so amazing.

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