It really is absolutely incredible how huge the space shuttle is in real life...not that
I imagined it to be small, but its just incredible in person.
Quite Literally brian's heaven...a huge propeller. He wanted to spin it so badly
This is the Enola Gay...yup, the real deal. How incredible is that?
Hanging out on the National Mall!
One of the coolest places, and I didn't even know it was there. The FDR memorial is absolutely incredible. Whoever designed it did an absolutely fabulous job. It is organized by his year in office, with amazing quotes, beautiful statues, and fountains. Its so peaceful and tranquil. I wanted a nice iced coffee and a book, and just find a place to read and listen to the water fall.
I absolutely love this picture. Its so cool. Our smart boy will tell you all about President Roosevelt and what happened to his legs.
My sweet Phillip did absolutely amazing on what turned out to be about a five mile trek that day. He ended up being full blown into teething and having a fever and being exhausted the next day.
Another absolutely beautiful memorial. They did a great job with this as well.
This was a strange stop on our walk that day. The Korean War Memorial is very surreal place, with this area in the middle where the status of the men on patrol are. There are wreaths from various Korean organizations, which I found remarkable, and huge groups of what I assumed to be those people, talking loudly and taking pictures and discussing it. It was pretty incredible to see them there and I wished I could have understood what they were saying. It seemed to be a positive experience for the groups there, but it was interesting to witness how two different groups of people experienced the memorial.
Super excited for this stop on our walk, The Lincoln Memorial
I was really proud of the dialogue we had with our children that day, especially Brian. We were able to explain the significance of what was going on and discuss it with him, on his level. He kept telling Ami that we need to be quiet here, to be respectful for the soldiers. I was quite proud.
Another surreal moment on our trip, was our final stop, The White House. For those of you I've talked to about moving here and our first trip into the DC, you may have heard me talk about the smallness of the place. There are no tall buildings, and even though the monuments are large, they have a smallness about them. That's how I felt when I walked up to the gates around the White House. It was right there. Just there. You could see every detail, see the windows, imagine the President walking down the walkway, could see the press corp, see the agents on top of the building. I literally felt like I could just walk up and knock on the door. It was crazy!
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