Well its been a little while since I posted. Things, as I'm sure you can imagine have been really crazy. My house still isn't unpacked and that is driving me nuts. I can't stand it. I was able to go home and visit for my amazing bff Holly's wedding, so that set me back a bit but it was sooooo worth it...a million times over worth it. So aside from the craziness I've been really excited to decorate this place and design a whole rooms from scratch. In fact I've been chomping at the bit to do it, but every day the pile of boxes seem daunting. And seriously, moving with three kids is seriously way harder then I thought it was going to be. We have been able to get out and sight see, take walks around our neighborhood every day and more than anything, are really loving having Christopher around. Practically the moment we arrived we made wonderful friends in our new neighbors! Amazing!!! I keep telling Christopher there's nothing like "The South"...now while I am totally and completely aware that Virginia is not the South...there are many sentiments that are the same. Its the way people are, especially the people that are from here. Its the kindness, the cordialness, if that's even a real word. Everyone says hi, says how ya doin'. They met us five minutes ago and they invite us over for dinner, let your kids play in our backyards whenever you want and most people don't even bother locking their doors around here. There's a civic association, with Town Meetings - straight out of Gilmore Girls. I was seriously hoping to go to Luke's afterwards and have some coffee and pie. I live in a real neighborhood, with wide streets and sidewalks that have an extra strip of grass between them and the road (see pics). My kids are so happy to have a backyard and kids next door and their own rooms, and space!!! Brian starts school in the fall (and while I'm totally nervous and worrying insanely about this) and we can walk to it!
We've taken several drives into the city and seen the Washington Monument, the National Treasury, Dupont Circle, The Capitol Building, WWII Memorial, Arlington National Cemetary, The White House and even took a jaunt down Embassy Row on our way to the church we've been going to for awhile, The National Cathedral. Its been pretty amazing so far and its only been a couple months.
What's so strange about 'The District' is that its so much smaller than I envisioned. Sacramento seems bigger. I know that's weird to say and clearly you can't understand until to see it (like I had to). There aren't any tall buildings and you can see everything driving down any road. It seems small and quaint. It seems sweet and simple. And while I know (especially as a Criminal Justice major) that DC is notoriously dangerous in some sections, and especially in the evening, you don't get that feeling driving through on a Sunday morning. The first time we drove in Christopher and I were staring out at the Washington monument and then all of the sudden I was like, "Is that the Pentagon?" Really, its just right there, off the freeway, like "Hello Pentagon, how are you?" We went to the nearest base to us to go grocery shopping. After we did that we just walked over to Arlington National Cemetary and saw the changing of the guard at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It just feels like a small town.
In short and for my first post...I'm in love.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
my house is driving me nuts
National Cathedral
The only snow we've seen in our backyard
Pentagon Memorial and burial location at Arlington
Ami, leaving a remembrance stone on one of the 9/11 Pentagon victims stone
Arlington with the Air Force Memorial in the background
Kennedy Gravesite

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