I will say that one of the most exciting things that I was looking forward to was getting to see the Cherry blossoms this year! The Cherry Blossom Festival is supposed to be really cool and the sites are supposed to be absolutely breathtaking. So, needless to say I was pretty excited. I downloaded my app and was planning everything out. This year is the 100th Anniversary of The Cherry Blossoms. The Festival is the celebration of the giving of the Japanese Cherry Trees from Mayor Yuko Ozaki of Tokyo City to Washington D.C. in 1912. First Lady Helen Taft and the Wife of the Ambassodor to China planted the first trees. You can still see some of the original trees on the Naval Shipyard. Well, the weather has been so crazy that the the blossoms decided to come out early. When they start blooming, that's it, you better get out there. We were being told we had about a week to get out there and check them out, to see them at their best at least. So as soon as Christopher had a day off we headed out there to see them. This also happened to be our first metro experience. Which, I must say went really well and it was very big city of us. The kids did great and it was way easier and way less stressful then I had built up in my head. It dumped us right out by the Washington Monument and we went and saw that, which Brian has been begging to see since the first time he saw it, and then we walked over to the Tidal Basin and saw the huge Cherry Blossom trees. They were so amazing and really everything that I had envisioned. There were so many people, but it was a really good organized caos. I didn't feel too overwhelmed with the people and the kids and the traffic. It was a photographer's dream. The blossoms were drifting in the wind every so often, it was a clear day with beautiful lighting. It was also your random tourist, who can pick out a good camera and photographer dream. I spotted me a photographer and said very sweetly, "would you mind taking or picture," and viola...you have a semi-professional or professional (who knows) taking your picture in from of the blossoms and the Jefferson Memorial! So crazy. What ended up being even crazier was the next day, on our way to Church at the National Cathedral, it started storming, as predicted. As we drove back through the District we saw the trees...now, sans blossoms. Whoops! So glad we went when we did.
What Brian had been waiting for!!
I was so grateful that I have such a great camera and was pretty impressed with the finished results!
Checking out the Tidal Basin
Jefferson Memorial
Yay for family pics by random Photographers
with cameras better than mine
Practicing my awesome skills
Brian is a little photographer in the making
Marine One, or one of the Marine Ones

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