Sunday, March 6, 2011

Head on over to Wife of a Sailor to join in with all the MilSpouses!!

Do you or your {spouse} ever wish your {spouse} was in a different branch of the military? submitted by The Turner Family
Nah, for awhile he had considered the Army but he loves what he does for the Air Force

What duty station(s) are on your “No Way, Hell No, Not Going, Have Fun Unaccompanied” list and why? submitted by Every Branch
Honestly I can't really think of anywhere that i would be allowed to go that I wouldn't. I'm pretty much a go anywhere, do anything, i signed up for this too kinda gal ;)

If you could be one age forever, what age would you choose and why? submitted by Three Krakens
Gosh, i dunno. I really enjoyed 21 right after we got married. It was such a fun time and if I could go there are spend some more time soaking that in before the craziness I think I might.

If you were a breakfast cereal, which one would you be? submitted by the C.W.
I think i'd be the Special K with the chocolate pieces

What is your morning beverage of choice and why? submitted by NH Girl Displaced
coffee, coffee, coffeeeee - coffee bowl, coffee vat, coffee in an iv (gilmore girls reference)

Sorry this is so late! Been a crazy weekend. Please also stop by The Lily Pad
for this week's round-up! and next week, join us at Three Hands Full.

Also, if you're looking for support and like a small group please stop by my forum. We're a laid back bunch and some of my greatest friends (that now help me run it) have been made. Stop by Love and Dog Tags.