Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mil-Spouse Friday Fill-In June 24th

Once again its time for the Friday Fill-in, hosted by the lovely "Wife of a Sailor" check her out!

check out this weeks questions, join the blog roll, and meet some great wives! And as always, I'd love for you to stop by and check out my little private forum Love and Dog Tags. I also have a great tab up top with tons and tons of links and info for the military s/o. I'm a fountain of info (slightly obsessive in my research, lol) so if you ever have any questions, please post them here or come on over to the forum!!!

Are you a different person than you were five years ago?
I wouldn't say I'm a different person, in the sense that people wouldn't know me, but I definitely think I've experienced things in the past five years that have caused me to grow as a person, learning some difficult lessons, and experiencing wonderful things along the way.

If you could go on Amazing Race, who would you take with you as your partner and why?
For sure my hubby! I almost feel bad that I would be his partner, lol. He's mr. camping, outdoorsey, boy scout. He keeps me balanced and centered and focused. I think that would be so fun!

Does Facebook or Twitter actually bring more stress or good in to your life?
LOL, i've actually posted about this on my blog. I have a total love/hate relationship with social media. Its good and bad. I'm really old fashioned, so some of the things it brings to the table bother me. I love that i've been able to connect with people from the past, from far away and stuff like that...but i think its taken away realness in people, intimacy, and gives people some false bravado.

June is National Soul Food Month- what’s your soul food?
oh man, good 'ole southern food! my mom is from the south. meat, potatoes and greenbeans...yummy

If you could live in any other era than the current, which one would it be and why?
well, this pertains to the post about twitter and facebook. LOL. I think I would love to be in the 40's. the clothing, the hats.....really anywhere in the late 30s all the way into the early 50s. love it!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Week 20

Hello friends! I know, its been, well.....way too long since I've posted. This pregnancy has been full of sickness, sickness, sickness.....similar to Ami, but different. This time around we aren't finding out the sex of the baby and I'm kind of excited about that. Christopher has never wanted to, but of course I wanted to be prepared with pink and blue if I needed it. So now that we have one of each I'm all on board for the surprise. As the weeks go on I've become more and more excited about it! Next week I'm going in for a doctor's appointment and ultra sound and it may be really hard for me to not wanna take a peak, especially since christopher won't be able to be there at this one. But I'm going to be a good girl, Scout's honor.

So here's a look at week 20

This week you're carrying around 10.5 inches and 10.5 ounces of solid magical baby goodness!

Your fantastic fetus' fragile tiny bones continue to ossify and toughen while their itsy bitsy finger and toe pads (and unique finger prints) are finishing up.

Your little womb-dancer also has teeth buds sprouting beneath their gum line.

And finally! Your wee one's limbs have reached their relative proportions — no more bobble-head!