Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mil-Spouse Fill-in #31 and Weekly Round-up

Thanks to Wife of a Sailor for another great Fill In and to all the other MilSpouses who submitted questions!!! Make sure to stop by and visit a new lovely MilSpouse at Consider the Lilies for the Weekly Round Up!!!

Thanks every for stopping by! Whether you're a MilSpouse or not I'm glad you're here!!! Please stop by and enter my CSN gift card giveaway, located on my other blog "Cammo Style Love"

1. Aside from no deployments, what is one thing you would want to make the MilSpouse life "perfect"? submitted by Oh How Delightful

Regular least for me. I know some people that do have this, or something close to, but I do not! bleh!!!

2. Just how many peppers did Peter Piper pick? submitted by Married into Army

He picked a PECK...but considering the fact that you can't actually pick pickled peppers, we've got a bigger this is what my research came up with...

Peter Piper didn't pick any pecks of pickled peppers because pickled peppers aren't pickled when they are picked. So Peter Piper picked zero pecks of pickled peppers.
however assuming that he was able to pick at least one peck of pickled peppers (it never said he got them from a garden) it would be determined by the formula: (p)(t) where p is the number of pecks of pickled peppers pickable in a period of time (an hour) and t is the time that he spent picking the perfect pickled peppers that peter piper picked. let us, for arguments sake, assume that he picks 2 pecks of pickled peppers in an hour. let us also assume that he spent 5 hours picking his perfect pickled peppers. therefore by these calculations, he pick 10 pecks of pickled peppers but it could vary depending on the skill of peter piper at picking pickled peppers. and so peter piper picked at least 10 pecks of pickled peppers"

So the fact that I decided to research this for fun...and i do mean FUN, that should tell you a lot about me, lol!

3. If you could have any career in the world with nothing holding you back, what would you do? submitted by It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To

I would be a professional dancer. It just wasn't in the cards for me...but I was on my way. I chose to other things.

4. Do you have a service oriented tattoo and if so what is it. If you don't what would you get? submitted by The Squid's Accomplice

I'm kind of a whimpy kinda girl and don't think I could hack it. I would probably only get something if something actually were to - GOD FORBID - happen to my husband. And I would probably get the air force wings with like a yellow ribbon or something.

5. Imagine a block of time has opened up in your busy day for you to take a class in anything you like. What subject would you choose? submitted by To The Nth

I think French, or like a fancy cooking class or something along those lines.

Household6Diva FotoFriday

A Mommy's Sweet Blog Design Friday Blog Hop

Smart and Trendy Moms

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Seriously, what are people thinking?

make sure to enter my $35 CSNstores gift card giveaway on my other blog, Cammo STyle Love!

So I haven't decided yet if I just raise my kids weirdly or if other people are absolutely insane. I mean have you ever been out in a public place and maybe wonder, "what the heck are those people doing?" Now, I'm not talking about the people with the screaming kids or the kids running around in circles around their parents...because we have ALL been there, we have. I'm talking about the people that let their kids do things that one would consider common sense to not let their kids do. Its freezing here so I'm looking for some different things to do around town that are out of my house because you can only be in here so long with a four year old boy especially. So they have this little play area in the mall and I've taken the kids a couple times in the last week or two. Today there was a large group of moms that had been walking around the mall with their strollers. they all come in and park all their strollers in this teeny tiny place, taking up precious running room (strike one). So there are a lot of kids now, so i tell my son (in what I believe is a totally common sense move) that climbing up the slide playing is okay, but not when there are so many little ones wanting to go down the slide. He looks at me and understands. One of the stroller mom's kids proceeds to go around and around climbing up the slide, pushing smaller children out of the way, not letting kids go down. My son, with the whole five seconds of attention span proceeds to follow the girl. I go back over (very near where the mom is sitting) and quietly explain to brian that he can't do that. He looks at me, understands and goes around to slide down. the little girl continues to do it...and it is completely obvious that she is totally getting in the way, being rude, as there is a long line of little ones waiting that she is making it quite difficult for. Well that was about it for me. Brian is now looking at my totally frustrated. I yell across the way, "Just because somebody else is climbing up the slide brian doesn't mean that you should do it." My two girlfriends that were with me just cracked up, as well as two other moms that were sitting next to us. I mean, clearly!! That to me should be a common sense kind of rule. That was strike two. I had gone to take Ami to the potty and by this time Brian has moved on and is running around with another little boy. out of no where this other little boy just starts totally attacking brian, smacking him in the face, hitting him. All this while I was gone. My friends were pissed when I came back. They told me that this kid had been running around tormenting other kids and finally one of my friends said something and the mom caught him in the act apparently. And of course acted all appalled, like this was the first time he'd ever done anything like that before. Sorry lady, i don't buy that. Sheesh! Strike three!! Seriously, what is wrong with people, just watch your kids when you're around other kids that you don't know and strangers and an open area. I mean, kids are kids, i get it and you do your best when you have that many in a small space...but come on...lets start by actually watching them...what a novel idea.

Anyone else ever experienced this kind of stuff? Please let me know I'm not alone?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mil-Spouse Fill-in and Weekly Round-up

1. What is your favorite MilSpouse blog (not including Wife of a Sailor who we all love, or your own)? submitted by Our Crazy Life

Oh man, how do I pick one. I don't think I could do it! LOL

2. What are your favorite perks about your s/o being deployed (we all know there are perks)? submitted by Ramblings of a Marine Wife
Hmmm, well all in all its not my favorite thing, lol! But the pay is a pretty nice perk :)

3. How long did you date your before getting engaged? Married? submitted by Utterly Chaotic
We have been dating since 1999, got married in 2004 :)

4. What do you think your would do if s/he wasn’t in the military? submitted by Adventures of M-Squared
He would be in some type of Law Enforcement.....its in his blood

5. If you could talk to the Secretary of (fill in your appropriate branch) what is one suggestion you would like to bring to their attention in order to improve the lives of military families? submitted by My Life as His (Air Force) Wife

I would bring to their attention those of us Active Duty Guardsman. People don't really know about us or what that means. Sometimes we miss out on a lot of perks because we aren't technically Active Duty...but we aren't technically National Guard. I would also have a talk about some things having to do specifically with the hubby's job, which per OPSEC I can't really talk about it.

Thank you to Wife of a Sailor for another awesome fill-in! Also check out this week's host of the Mil-Spouse Weekly Round up - The Whole FamDamily

you can also head over to my other blog Cammo Style Love and enter to win a giftcard to, which is kind of like its pretty cool.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Year Ago Today

Well these are my pics of a year ago today. I'm not sure what is going on here except Ami was possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm guess this might have been her first pudding cup experience :) Yeah, she's adorable :)

Where I'm hopping on Cammo Style Love

Bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop

Thursday Blog Hops

The Two Savvy Sisters


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Healthy and Happy Life?

So, so much has been going on lately. I'm finally feeling like I'm moving past so much of the stuff that was putting me in a funk. I recently started my second round of P90X and I'm feeling really good about it. I feel stronger and like I can do a little bit more than the last round. I feel like this is the time in my life where I really need to be working out and getting back into shape. As we get older our metabolism slows down, and just being a woman is rough. That whole annoying, women have fat over their muscle - men have muscle over their fat thing....something annoying about having to bare children and what not, LOL!! But this is also the time in my life where I'm the busiest and a day will literally fly by me and I have haven't worked out. And I swear its not one of those things i'm avoiding...although one could point out that I'm sitting here putting a blog entry in...yes I see the irony in that. But I have a four and two year old!! And neither of them are in the napping stage anymore. Fun! They do however play nice and will take "quiet times" with a movie or that's helpful.

But anyway, I'm working out and doing really well with my eating and feeling good. I'm in some smaller jeans and I have had people say to me their notice the change. But my stomach....ugh...I don't know about anyone else but this whole having two kids thing has really wreaked havoc on my stomach. I do, however, want to point out that I was never a waif of a thing. Even when I was at my most active, as a dancer, I was never really a beanpole. And I know I could never be physical enough to get back to that point. I've just got to figure out what is a realistic goal for me. And I don't weigh really weigh myself. I got into the habit of not weighing myself when I was a dancer. Muscle weighs more than when I would hear all these girls at school talking about how much they weighed and I always weighed more than them...even though i didn't look like I really suddenly dawned on me that that was because muscle weighs more. And I realize doing this p90x thing will be a process of slimming down and building muscle so i can't really weigh myself...I mean, i guess i could but I know it would just frustrate me. I would get frustrated in the dance world because now ballerinas are skinny with no boobs. i would love to have been a dancer in the 1700s. Man, I would have been a star man!! Sorry people, i can't do anything about my boobs.

So then I figure...well, I'll go by clothing size. I still have some of my pre-baby clothes that I've kept for inspiration. Then I hear all these news stories about how stores are playing around with their sizing. So even if I get back into the clothes pre-baby, they won't necessarily be the same size in the store because they've been messing around with the sizes. I mean, think about it for a mom at her skinniest was 5'7" 112 lbs and wore like a size 6. I mean, come on people?!!! That is ridiculous! You ask your moms or grandmas...they will tell you that there was no such thing as a size 2 or 0. I mean, how selfish and self-centered of a society have we become. We've got this obsession with being "healthy" and "skinny" and society is so messed up. Yes we live longer and healthier lives...but do we really happier lives? We are obsessed, counting calories and working out...but then we put our kids in front of video games and the television and force education down their throats at a younger and younger age. We've created this whole generation of unsocial, computer focused, our idea of "educated" kids, who count calories, have eating disorders and self-image issues and are having sex and sexual encounters at a younger and younger age.

yes, I want to be healthy and yes I will continue to work out and try to eat healthy. But I hope that I also live a happy life. I want to teach my kids to eat the good stuff as well as the fun run around and play and be active, they are beautiful (and handsome, respectively) no matter what they look like and no matter what size they are.

If you haven't read "Hungry" by Crystal Renn....stop what you're doing and go out right now and find it! Instantly!!! I read this book and it really encouraged me and reinforced how I always knew I felt and thought. A friend recommended it to me and now I tell everyone I know to go out and read it.

So I guess the question is...Are you Happy?

Wordless Wednesday

and where I'm hopping

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mil-Spouse Friday Fill-In #29

Well here we are and its friday already! Sheesh. I got swamped again mid-week and totally failed at my blogging! I have a whole list of things I'm totally behind on. Do you ever feel like that? I'm sure someone else has, hopefully. I'm telling you what. Every once in awhile its like you start out right, all on top of things and before you know it you're like, whoa....wait a second.....the weeks over? Well, at least every week I start out with good intentions.

Thanks again to Wife of a Sailor for another round of amazing questions. Can't wait to read all the amazing responses from all my lovely mil-spouse ladies

  1. Since most of the country has had nasty weather, what has your weather been like this week? This week its been that deceptive freezing thing..where you look out the window and its bright and sunny and then you step outside and its like 25 degrees! Usually doesn't go over too well with the kids. I eventually let them outside and they only last about 3o minutes before they are like, "mommy the sun is too cold!!" lol! that's my favorite thing my son has said regarding the crazy Reno weather.
  2. What is/are your best money saving tip(s)? meal planning has proven to be a huge money saver for us. I was amazed at how much I could save when I really planned all the meals. Of course I get a few staples that I have around the house if we don't feel like PB&J for lunch every day. But planning out dinners has been a huge money saver!
  3. What was your favorite vehicle you’ve ever owned?? oh man, my adorable gold/brown subaru legacy with a turbo! oh man, i loved that thing. some stupid idiot hit me and totaled it. i might cry
  4. What is a question you’d like to see asked in a future fill-in? (Your question & blog just may appear one week!) Were you a part of the joining the military question or did you sign up for the relationship when your man was already in the military?
  5. Fill in the blank: You might be a MilSpouse if….
    (I will be including some of your answers in a future post (with a link to your blog, of course!) your children respond to your command to come here with, "stand by one mom". and I'm totally serious when i say that this occurs in our home with my 4 year old! LOL!!

Thanks so much ladies for reading! If anyone is looking for support or answers to any questions or just some fun please check out my Military tab here on the blog and/or my support forum that I run with a couple girl friends. we're pretty tiny so if you like a more intimate setting we just might be the place for you. Come visit Love and Dog Tags!

I leave you with an awesome and adorable video of my kids!!!